Ettin Games Association



Transport, weather, venue features and accessibility details.

Some tickets will be available at the door.

(Prepaid is safer, Earlybird is cheaper)

We'd hate for you to miss out, and prepaid tickets are a faster experience. For anyone genuinely struggling, some financial hardship tickets are released after online sales close.

Book Tickets

Pack your gear for the trip!

(Not just game gear)

Snacks, medications, water bottle, keep cup and mess kit will ensure you are nourished while reducing waste. Oh, and don't forget to charge your mobile devices!

We will announce any notable weather events.

(But we'll display the forecast here)

Dress warmly for the trip, enjoy the heating inside!

Detailed Weather

Public Transport Information

(Prepaid is safer, Earlybird is cheaper)

The venue is across the highway from and Local Gatherings train station. If we hear of any surprise trackwork causing service interruptions, we will post it here. The last train back to Sydney leaves at 00:00.

Transport NSW Alerts

Driving and Parking

(Assuming it's not snowing)

Driving here? We are 0 drive from Sydney, 0 from Parramatta, 0 from Penrith, 0 from Lithgow, 0 from Bathurst, 0 from Orange. Parking around and Local Gatherings on a weekend? It's not bad. We'd love to suggest certain spots, but if you respect the signs, you'll avoid any fines.

Venue Details

(Online & Off, Everywhere)

Should you have any specific questions, requirements or comments regarding the venue, please speak with the door staff or email us via [email protected]. We're currently in talks with venue management and council about installing a wheelchair ramp for the internal corridor, but if you require assistance accessing the second hall, door staff would be happy to open auxillary doors for you during the event.

Event Handbook

What you can play, where to find it, and how to go about it!

Check-in at the front desk with your ticket, credit card or cash.

(Pre-paid tickets are fastest, and cashless is best)

You'll receive your wristbands here (& library card if you pre-paid). Name tags & pronoun stickers are just inside the main hall!

During the event, please abide by our Code of Conduct.

(It's easy, important & essential)

We need everyone to be safe & comfortable before we can relax and have fun.

Read Our Rules Earn Badges

Use our table signs if you need them.

(To invite players, ask or offer assistance, or locate games)

Green if you need players, yellow if you need help. If you see one of these signs, feel free to approach that table and ask how you can contribute. If your table has a sign mentioning scheduled games, please ensure it is free and tidy for that session.

Use your library card.

(Show ID if you need a new one)

Don't grab and run! Games must be scanned out (and back in) and we need to check their state each time.

Library Info Library Rules

You always have a seat.

(But some games require registration)

If you have a game to play, and can see a table free, you can use it as long as it's not marked for a scheduled game during that time.

Most Role-Playing sessions need to confirm interest to secure the table, so if you're interested in a seat at one of those games, book early using the button on that listing! If you can't make a booked session, please cancel your seat as soon as you know, so someone else can use your seat.

Competitions with prizes (like the Magic Tourney) require a registration fee, and also rely on bookings to go ahead.

Game Listing Run Your Game

Check the timetable.

(It's constantly updated)

Our timetable and venue map should display well on all devices, and last-minute printouts will be on the walls in the main hall. Games use symbols & colours to show categories, and are marked as they fill up.

View Timetable Discord Chat

Tell the world.

(share photos with consent)

If you enjoy our event, please tell the world about it! We love meeting new players and helping new conventions get off the ground. The hashtag for this event is #EttinCon2023 - using it helps people discover your posts, and the event!